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1 Killgore Trout  Sun, Jan 16, 2011 3:52:05pm

Ouch, I’ll try to locate the video later on tonight.

2 Dom  Sun, Jan 16, 2011 5:59:04pm

Its a radio show, I’ll post a link soon.

3 Dom  Sun, Jan 16, 2011 7:06:37pm

Here we are:
BBC Radio 4 Today Show
Part 1 - Interviews 6 min 42 sec
Part 2 - Discussion 5 min 48 sec

It should be pointed out that this is an issue that many Muslims are happy to be discussing, and I think Straw is aware of that and raising it in that context, rather than to smear the community.

4 Aunty Entity Dragon  Sun, Jan 16, 2011 7:31:10pm

There have been a number of police reports over Muslim “rape gangs” targeting certain women, and this is one of the issues that the really racist Geert Wilder type groups use to their advantage. Take the criminal actions of some Muslim men and use them to smeer everybody.

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